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Kuudere Ghost

A member registered Oct 19, 2018

Recent community posts

Awesome game, very creepy. Great job on the Unique art style!

Gave this game another go... I had an even spookier time than the last time I tried it, I still don't know how to get through certain doors, but I am sure I will find out. Again, this game is overall a great game, and certainly has a great atmosphere and gameplay.

This game was pretty cool! I think it needs a little bit of optimization but it definitely was creepy and had a good short story to it!

This game is really good, there's a lot of focus on both ambient fear and jumpscares from him catching you. Nice job on it!

Dark Veer is an amazing horror game, I can't wait to see what you guys do with it.

Yeah I kind of get that :P, thanks for watching it (I also saw your comment). Nice game :)

So, this game is more well made than I originally thought it would be, I did not play the first game, but I would say that this game is pretty good compared to most horror games on, the only gripe I have is that the keys are not very visible. Overall good game though!

I made a video going through the start of this visual novel, I love the art style!

This is one of the best Indie horror games I've played, well done developers. You did a great job!